
Support Coordination helps increase Wayne’s NDIS funding

With the help of his Allinto Support Coordinator, Wayne’s NDIS funding has increased, enabling him to have more support and to reach his life goals.

Wayne, aged 45, worked closely with his Support Coordinator, Keela, after his mother passed away, to ensure he had the right supports in place.

Wayne, client of Allinot, standing alongside Keela, his Support Coordinator, smiling to camera“I wanted to see Wayne’s level of funding increase as he didn’t have any funding for capacity building, and I felt this would really benefit him,” said Keela. “I worked with Wayne and his support networks to apply for additional NDIS funding for him.”

Keela collaborated with Wayne’s Mental Health Case Worker to get letters of recommendation from his psychiatrist to advise that he was suitably capable of working in supported employment, and that his level of NDIS funding could be increased to include capacity building.

Keela also collaborated with the NDIS Local Area Coordinator, Michelle, to ensure that the level of funded support would be sufficient to allow Wayne to not only access supported employment, but to ensure there was adequate funding in his plan for core supports.

Over three months, the collaborative efforts resulted in success. Wayne’s NDIS plan provided him with enough funding for increased core supports, and he was able to achieve his goal of starting work in supported employment.

“My unconditional thanks to Keela at Allinto for helping me overcome a big hurdle in my life and get extra funding,” said Wayne.

Wayne, Support Coordination Client, shaking hands with Keela, his Support Coordinator, to say thanksWayne now works in a warehouse packaging beverages, which provides him with purpose and income to do more of the things he enjoys.

Having worked in the role for several months now, Wayne has become more independent and has made new friends.

“Everyone is so helpful to me and always shows me how things work,” Wayne said.

“Previously I barely knew anyone. Now I have loads of work friends as I met a bunch of people through work.

When Keela went to visit Wayne after landing his new job, he shook her hand and said, “thank you so much, you’ve really helped me.”

With Wayne’s confidence and independence growing every week, his latest success has been catching the bus to work by himself – a task that would have been too daunting before.

Keela is delighted with the progress that Wayne has made this year and to see everything is working well for him.

Wayne, Allinto client has learnt to catch the bus independently“Wayne is an absolute success story, full credit to him, his brothers and his other support networks. It is a great example of what can be achieved by working together,” Keela said.
Keela continues to check in with Wayne every two weeks to hear how he’s tracking and what his next goals are.

Find out more about our Support Coordination service, or get in touch with the team today.


Client story, NDIS, support coordination, Support Coordinator

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