
Jennifer’s courage to take flight

Life is full of challenges for Allinto client, Jennifer. Debilitating anxiety, along with PTSD and a chronic lung condition, makes everyday tasks that most people take for granted, difficult.

At 61, Jennifer relies on disability support workers to help with everyday life, from getting dressed in the morning to getting the groceries and travelling to medical appointments.

As desperate as Jennifer was to fly to Cairns to see her daughter, she didn’t think she could do it.

But thanks to a little creative thinking from her Allinto Support Coordinator, Nook Dupuy and some clear goal setting, Jennifer made it to Cairns.

“There were times I thought I couldn’t go on the trip to Cairns,” she said. “But I focused on the goal of seeing someone I love very much, and that, along with the help of Nook, made all the difference. Nook made it much easier for me.”

To reduce Jennifer’s anxiety about the trip, Nook made a one-page itinerary detailing the whole trip in an easy-to-read format.

“As soon as Jennifer received the itinerary, her anxiety immensely decreased,” Nook said. “She was thankful I took the time to do this for her and so was her support worker.”

Jennifer travelled to Cairns with a support worker to assist her with self-care along with navigating the airport, their resort accommodation and activities.

“I thought I’d be more nervous than I was with the airport check in and the body scan, but it was easier than I thought having the support worker with me,” Jennifer said.

A mother of four, Jennifer said being able to spend time with her daughter made the nerves worthwhile.

“It was absolutely wonderful,” Jennifer said. “One look in my daughter’s eyes, I saw the love she has for me. It was beautiful and she really appreciated me going to see her.”

Jennifer said the trip has given her the confidence to travel again.

“I’m not sure where I will go but hopefully somewhere where I can be in nature,” she said. “I love trees, they give me oxygen and it helps me to breathe easier. Being in nature makes me feel good.”

Allinto’s team of support coordinators identify and negotiate with quality service providers, connecting our clients with the support they need to live their best life in the community.

For more information or to make an enquiry today, get in touch or phone 1300 245 516.


Client story, support coordination

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