
Support coordination making moving no fuss

Getting Mark closer to family was a clear goal when James at Allinto started providing support coordination to relocate from Toowoomba to Brisbane.

Mark’s sister, Peta instigated the move noticing a deterioration of Mark’s health and can’t believe the difference in his happiness since the move.

“The improvements are remarkable. Already he is completely different, much calmer and happier now,” said Peta.

“He seems instantly settled and I’m pleased he is afforded more independence such as choosing what he wants to do and what he wants to wear.” 

Mark, now in his 60’s, was diagnosed with autism at a young age. He is nonverbal and was desperately in need of support to improve the quality of his life.

To prepare for the move, Allinto’s Support Coordinator James organised a number of changes for Mark.

He engaged a speech therapist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, community access provider as well as behaviour specialists to support Mark’s behaviours and medical experts to reduce medications.

Peta is thrilled with the support provided by James.

“James has been amazing. He is super organised and proactive, to the point where he thought of things before I did,” said Peta. “He organised meetings with Mark’s support network to ensure everyone was working together and well informed.

“James talked to everyone all the time and I’ve rarely had this level of service before. I really appreciate the difference James has made.”

Passionate about providing high quality support coordination, James said there was a lot to consider to ensure a smooth relocation for Mark.

“I had a clear goal for Mark – improve his quality of life – but there were many factors that needed to be addressed,” said James.

“Working closely with Peta, we determined Mark was in need of many supports, including the move to be closer to family, to reach his goal.

“Mark’s story is definitely a successful one. Not long after the move, I had reports of him laughing with his new house mates and enjoying his new home,” he said.

Peta and her children will regularly visit Mark in Brisbane and the support team are well placed to get Mark involved with more of his interests in the community.

Learn more about the mental health and disability services we provide at Allinto, or get in touch with the team today.


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